Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Are you a dilettante?

You may be asking, "Am I a dilettante?" I know I certainly am one. I noticed this more and more as I have gotten older. A friend of mine in college who is now a real estate analyst once referred to me as a "Modern-day Renaissance man." Renaissance men were ground-breakers in their many fields, but a dilettante is most certainly not that. Here is a quick rundown of my many areas of passing expertise...
A/V Home theater
Video Games
Interior Design
Financial Markets/Stock Picking
Clothes and fashion
Computers, networking (this blogging thing is new to me)
Ladies' fashions
Food and cooking
Fine watches
music, and hip hop production
and the list goes on....

Basically what goes on is like this - I can talk to anyone who is a specialist in any field, or example, a coworker may be better than me in our shared responsibilities, but I guarantee they don't know more than me in another subject - like cooking... I'm positive I'm a better cook than any of my coworkers. However, I'm not a better cook than Bobby Flay, but I do know more about Hip Hop and financial markets then he does.
You may be saying, "Who cares if you know more about something than someone else. Isn't that just a cop out to make yourself feel better for your own shortcomings and being less successful?" Which brings me to my next point - and the kernel of the curse - which I'll address sometime - sometime soon - but who knows!

First time

Hello one and all - I've made this blog to explore the phenomenon of the modern Dilettante. First, you may be asking, "What is a Dilettante, and who is this weirdo writing about it?" Well, let me tell you - a dilettante is a dabbler, a person who has a "superficial" interest in a great many subjects. Next you might ask, "What is this Dilettante's curse this guy is talking about?" I say curse because I feel it is a curse to be a dilettante (I consider myself to be one) - Generally speaking people of consequence tend to be specialists - people with passion in one area. People in my industry - financial services - tend to be this way. Passion for securities trading/analysis and nothing else. They can dedicate themselves to this completely and not bat an eye. I cannot, and I suspect no other dilettantes can either! Hence, this blog to explore this issue and also to show you the stream of conciousness that is the Dilettante's mind!