Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Facebook Fish

Hello again, I submit to the Internet the 'Facebook Fish.' What is that? Well, gentle reader, let me explain:
We all know that people like to update their status, hell I do it all the time. It is a fun way to share your life with friends. Well, kinda fun, but mostly easy. Some people apparently view it as more than just sharing, and 'fish' for comments with annoyingly open and leading questions. I try not to do this, but now I'll really try (since I've bloggo-complained about it). Here are some recent examples:

"Mr X. just outdid himself making dinner!"

"Mrs X. just spent so much money at the mall!"

So it is basically a vague, declarative statement that leads you to believe something cool happened. Now why would you post this if you didn't want people to write back, "What did you make/spend??!?!?!??!" So it seems pretty lame to me, just tell us what is up - don't Facebook Fish.