Tuesday, November 18, 2008


A testversation is when you slip some small detail or inside joke into a conversation (most likely with new acquaintances) to test their knowledge or, more likely, mindset, sense of humor, etc... My favorite example of this was when I was at a social gathering with several new people (also my Fiancee) all of which were taller than I was. When someone crassly pointed that out, I said, "I feel like I'm in level 4 in Mario Brother 3." I was surprised that everyone got it, but with that joke landing they passed the test and I'm pretty sure I can assume other things about them from that one slice of information.
Another great example of this is when talking about food and restaurants throw out some names like Thomas Keller. Although he isn't anywhere as famous as Rachel Ray, knowledge of Keller tends to be associated with a high level of foodie-dom.
This is not to be confused with aggressive opinion stating, or AOS, which I also do when I say things like, "There is no God." or "Organized relgions are evil."

Thus I coin the word- "Testversation"

Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's not November, but Baracktober!

Needless to say, I'm very happy that Barack won the election. We still have some bitter folks out there, but hopefully the dems will not screw this up. Either way, I think Mr. President-Elect has a big weight on his shoulders. I don't think any president in recent memory has had the hopes and dreams of not only a nation, but a planet pinned to him.
I've seen pictures from around the world of people celebrating his victory, but as he said - we have a lot of work to do. I hope he can rally Americans and the world to work together for a second and actually improve our lot on this planet.
I also think that most of this hope is because so much was lost under the Bush administration and so much has changed since Clinton - the world is a different place and we need a different man to lead.

Monday, November 3, 2008

This game rocks! Fallout 3

I'm usually not one to really rock out to a game and write about it, but Fallout 3 is probably one of the best games I've played in a long time. Better than GTA 4, better than MGS 4, etc... It isn't all action, but more role playing - like Oblivion - which I never played, but it awesome. A quick synopsis:
In 2077 nuclear war broke out and many people went into underground settlements called Vaults. You were born there. You father leaves the vault (no one leaves), and you follow after him whilst uncovering it may not be at idyllic as once thought (surprise). You come out to an awesome wasteland with human settlements and bad guys and mutants, etc. Anywho, it is awesome.