Thursday, October 30, 2008

Oh man, he better win.

After last night's good (albeit slightly cheesey) infomercial, Obama should finally get through to some people. I got some shivers towards the end listening to him speak, so that was a good sign. However, I also get shivers listening to Jimmy Eat World's "Drugs," so maybe I'm not the best shiver-o-meter. Anywho, if he doesn't win I'll be so sad - McCain just sucks in comparison. He had his chance so please step aside.

I'm going to a "Election Results Party" at the Hardrock on Tuesday night (readers are welcome, rsvp on so I will be so miserable if he doesn't win! Go Obama!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ladies - I am your friend...

So the other day, I'm riding the T - deep in thought, and a relatively attractive late-20s chick sat down across from me. Most aspects of her appearence seemed in place and in line with trends, so I couldn't hate... However, as I stood up to get off (and she did as well) I saw a rather large mustache! So to all you ladies, one behalf of men everywhere, please take care of your facial hair.
My lovely Fiancee and I were at CVS she was getting Nair for her legs, I noticed they had both "Bleech" and hair removal cream (both made by Sally Hansen). I was shocked they had bleech, this isn't the solution. If you think that isn't noticable, just ask yourself this:

Does Ru Paul look different with his bleech blond wig on, or bald? Of course he does! Also, if you're not sure - go out and do some removal anyway - that way you'll know for sure.

I've said my peace for mankind, but men also should take care of nose and ear hair - no excuses guys, not when we put the pressure on women like some sort of power-crazed stage mother.