Monday, April 28, 2008

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

So, my beautiful fiancee Sarina tells me that she read that this ingredient Sodium Luaryl Sulfate (SLS) was in my shampoo and she thought it was irritating her skin due to some some contact. She tells me about this and its cousin Sodium Laureth Sulfate. Apparently these things (along with Ammonium LS) are cheap cleansers and foaming agents. These chemicals are in pretty much all soap and shampoo, it is crazy how much of it is out there. Not surprisingly this is a chemical derived from, you guessed it: Petroleum! I guess in larger concentrations it is pretty unhealthy and can be a real irritant and increase the permeability of skin (which is bad) so my OCD tendencies all kicked in!

I did an audit of all the items that I use on a daily basis, it was in all my drug store products. AXE body wash, shampoo, conditioner. My nicer stuff (Zirh) didn't have this in it, so that was cool. AXE apparently has lots of untested ingredients and bad stuff for you - scary! But to find products that don't have any SLS in it, I had to go to Whole Foods to get some soap and shampoo there. I was surprised you couldn't find more organic-type options at CVS, but alas. Anywho, I made the change and it is a little more expensive, but it smells fantastic and works just as well (if not better)! The rosemary conditioner is pretty nice in the morning...

Here is an alarmist and possibly biased article about AXE body wash. Apparently they spent all their money on truly awesome ads rather than safe ingredients.


Lilac - Like The Flower said...

Um. First - what is that photo?

Second - I was cruising your alamist natural products site and saw Aussie hair products (which are clearly unnatural). But, that's a P&G product. I once met the CEO of P&G (really nice guy) and he assured us all that P&G makes nothing that cannot be ingested. I.e. everything wont kill you if you eat it. Down to the Tide.

Maybe he meant "kill you immediately"?

hornett said...

LOL. The immediately part is always what gets them out of trouble. So if I'm using some product for 10 years and I get cancer, there is no way to trace that to one thing. Ultimately, I think less crazy chemicals = less cancer. But that is jus me.